First Road Chen-Style Taijiquan Gongfujia - Section 4
Section 4 of the first Road of gongfujia in the tradition of Chen Fake, Chen Zhaokui and Chen Yu as taught by Nabil Ranné. We usually go through one movement every session, with exact details of the requirements and connections in every posture, plus some explanations of the body method (shenfa), explosive power (fali) etc. We will cover the whole first form in subsequent courses. This course consists of 10 sessions going from 34. 右擦脚 You ca jiao Wipe the right foot to 44. 掩手肱锤 Yan shou gong chui Cover with your hand and strike with your upper arm.
A video of the respective session will be online for at least four weeks after class for personal review.
No classes on the 26th of March and 2nd of April!!!