Chen Taijiquan in Chur, Switzerland
- English (GERMAN BELOW!) -
In 2024 Allon Moritz will host a Taiji event with Nabil in Switzerland. Nabil is a disciple of Chen Yu, son of Chen Zhaokui and grandson of Chen Fake.
Our topics will include basics, the first road (yilu) and some partner work with applications.
The workshop will be held in English and German.
Address of our training space:
Hohenbühlweg 4 Stadt 7000 Chur, Schwitzerland
Coaches: Nabil Ranné and Allon Moritz
12.04.2024 10:00 - 16:00 (incl. a lunch break)
13.04. 10.00 - 16.00 (incl. a lunch break)
14.04.2024 10.00 - 16:00 (incl. a lunch break)
- Deutsch -
Im Jahr 2024 wird Allon Moritz zum ersten Mal ein Taiji-Event mit Nabil in der Schweiz veranstalten. Nabil ist direkter Schüler von Chen Yu, dem Sohn von Chen Zhaokui und Enkel von Chen Fake.
Unsere Themen werden Grundlagen, die erste Form (Yilu) und einige Partnerübungen mit Anwendungen umfassen.
Der Workshop wird in Englisch und Deutsch abgehalten.
Hohenbühlweg 4 Stadt 7000 Chur, Schwitzerland
Trainer: Nabil Ranné und Allon Moritz
Booking information
- Complete: 3 days
- 225.00 € Ticket for all three days!
- Weekend ticket
- 190.00 € Ticket for the weekend only!
- Basics Ticket
- 50.00 € Basics Ticket to attend on Friday!
- Capacity
- 20
If the class has not enough participants we will refund the fee immediately. In case one single class cannot take place we will notify you beforehand. This should be a rare case however :)
You can contact nabil at nabil [at] if have any questions.
PAYMENT METHODS INCLUDE PAYPAL, SEPA AND CREDIT CARDafter you click on the 'book' button you will see all available options!